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Ryan David Orr


Mike Mahoney Photography
"...have you ever thought to yourself—“are there any artists who exist today, that exemplify the brilliance of Dylan, the story telling of Jim Croce, the organics of Gordon Lightfoot, the spirit of Cat Stevens and the songwriting magic of Simon & Garfunkel?” … yeah, me too. Enter Ryan David Orr."
-Goldmine Magazine

Some originals

Some covers

Some music videos


"Great, distinctive voice...worthy of top marks"
-Stuart Epps, producer (Oasis, Elton John, Led Zeppelin)

"Tender, powerful songwriting...."
-John Popper, Blues Traveler

"Ryan David Orr has a warm, beautiful voice with which he intimates feelings
of sorrow or joy..."
-Rootstime Magazine (Belgium)
"...a force to be reckoned with in this music world"
-Skope Magazine

"Ryan David Orr is a lyricist of the highest order"
-ComeHereFloyd (music blog)

"Orr is undoubtedly an artist worth paying attention to"
-EDM Rekor


Some past performance venues:

The Bitter End - NY, NY; The Pig n' Whistle - Hollywood, CA; Seamonster Lounge - Seattle, WA; CBGB's - NY, NY; Alberta Street Public House - Portland, OR; Antique Archaeology - Nashville, TN; LiveWire - Scottsdale, AZ; Mesa Arts Center SPARK! Festival - Mesa, AZ; Pianos - NY, NY; The Grey Eagle - Black Mountain, NC; Oberon's Tavern - Ashland, OR;  WDVX Blue Plate Special - Knoxville, TN; Mesa Music Festival - Mesa, AZ; KPIG Radio - Santa Cruz, CA; High Mountain Music Festival - Pinetop, AZ; First Night Monterey Festival - Monterey, CA; The Red Victorian Hotel - San Francisco, CA; Borderlands Brewing Company - Tucson, AZ; Kulturpalast - Hannover, Germany; Tucson Folk Festival - Tucson, AZ; Spielbudenplatz - Hamburg, Germany; Tempe Center for the Arts - Tempe, AZ; KNAU Radio - Flagstaff, AZ


Ryan David Orr/All Rights Reserved


Acoustic Indie Folk Rock Singer-songwriter Arizona Southwestern United States

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